
Worship: Sundays at 10:10am


We desire fxchurch to be a place where all generations can GO KNO SHO GRO in relationship to God and others.


Go to God and others to be fully devoted disciples of Christ.



Know Christ
know with others
go help others know



Show Christ
show with others
go help others show.



Grow in ChrisT
grow with others
go help others grow

The 411

What’s the latest at fxchurch?
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Meeting at the historic Banneker Community Center, Sundays 10:10am. Park on the street or at Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park. Need a ride? Just fill out a ride request.

Map: 930 W 7th ST, Bloomington, IN 47404

For those who are unable to attend in-person, you can watch/listen to the service on our LIVE page.



Isaiah: The Holy One of Israel
We all come to a place in our lives when we realize we can’t save ourselves. We are forced to ask: who will save us and how? Isaiah proclaims THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL’s justice against sin and rebellion, and hope as the saving Messiah. Isaiah’s message is simple: Yahweh, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, is Judge and Savior of His people (1-12), of the nations (13-27), of Jerusalem (28-39), while in exile (40-48), as the suffering Messiah (49-55), and as LORD forever and ever (56-66).

Listen online at fxchur.ch/fxtalk

fxCampus Ministry

A Christian college student will spend approximately 2-5 years a part of a campus ministry and Lord willing, the next 50+ years as a member of a local church. We want to equip you to serve the bride of Christ for the next 50+ years.

Bible Study - Wednesdays - 7PM - Franklin Hall 114 - Spring Semester Kickoff - Jan 22

Learn more about fxCampus Ministry / Connect with Us

fxtalk Podcast

Listen to past sermons on the fxtalk Podcast and browse by date, series, one shot talks, speaker, cover artwork or book of the Bible. Listen online or via Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts, or subscribe wherever podcasts are heard.

Connect With Us


First Time Visitor

Thank you for worshiping with us! We ask that you would register your visit with us so that we can connect with you. It helps us know how to best serve you.

Prayer Requests

Click the button below if you would like to share a private prayer request with our staff. Our staff prays over these requests weekly at our staff meetings.

get plugged in

We encourage all attenders to join one of our weekly re:groups. Our re:groups are located from Bloomington to Spencer and are multi-generational.

Church Membership

If you are looking to join fxchurch as a member or wish to further learn about our church DNA and foundational beliefs, we encourage you to read through our online Class One.